Who knows when we will be able to see live music again in the UK. I’m not sure we will get any this year. Our next gig is a visit to Hull to (hopefully) see Michael Kiwanuka in November. We decided a few years ago, despite having some great venues near us either side of the pennines, to travel around the country a bit and see the acts we wanted to see in different places. This means you can also make a weekend of it and have a dig in the local indy record shops too!
We miss live music so much. The Covid-19 pandemic coincided with what would have been time for us to start seeing live music again. We’d both had a break due to having our daughter, Evelyn so its now been nearly 2 years since our last ‘proper’ gig. We’ve seen bits here and there, in pubs, bars and record shops but we’ve had no weekends away or festivals. We missed loads of stuff we would have liked to see in that time including a Glastonbury festival. We want to go next year and take our daughter Evelyn with us, but it seemed too difficult last year, a festival with a 1 year old. We can imagine it’s very hard taking a 2 year old and will be a very different experience for us, but we think she will love it and want her to experience it as many times as possible.
Glastonbury festival is a great place for many reasons, one of which is the eye opening charity work done at the festival to enlighten people to local, national and global issues. It has made us very aware of our environmental impact and our carbon footprint, as individuals and as a business. We want to do everything we can to reduce our carbon emissions and be a sustainable and environmentally aware business in an industry that isn’t always as good as it could and should be. That means not using plastic where possible by using alternatives to plastic at every possible opportunity, traveling to work in sustainable ways and the re-use of materials where possible. We’ve also partnered with Offset Earth to begin to offset the emissions from our postage, both from our suppliers and to you, our customers.
Another thing that’s happened at The Turntable towers this week, is the beginning of our 'record of the week' promotion. This week we’re offering the live Beck record, ‘Kaos radio sessions’ recorded in 1994 and pressed in 2016, its limited to 500 copies and we are selling it for the crazy price of £5 for this week only. Each week we will select a record to be our record of the week, at a discounted price (not always as good as a fiver though!) We will give our mailing list subscribers a half hour head start on our social media followers on the record of the week offer too so get signed up to that to give yourself the best chance of getting these exclusive offers.
Love to you all, keep safe.
Matt and Bex