The world is a very strange place at the moment, and music has a huge roll to play for most of us in helping us to deal with what is going on and the isolation we all currently face.
We're working really hard to bring you an amazing place to buy the music that you love. It can get really easy to listen to what you know, over and over, and buy albums by the same artists that you know you like. Its only natural to want to not waste money on something you're not a fan of but that stops you from hearing great new things. We were always predominantly fans of bands, the Brit pop of Oasis and Pulp from the mid 90's, the nu-metal of Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit at the turn of the century then indie groups like Arctic Monkeys and Arcade Fire. We still love all these bands, and if anyone with less than three hours for a response asks us the dreaded and impossible question "what music do you like?" we would still revert to this as an answer and we would still buy records by them.
We have broadened our musical horizons though over the last few years and taken risks on our weekly trips to record shops. We are all the happier for it! We've heard some belting albums, new and old in the last 12 months, from Amber Arcades - European Heartbreak, Little Simz - Grey Area, Willie Bobo - Spanish Grease and Beyoncé - Lemonade (seriously Lemonade is great.)
Thats what our subscription club is all about, finding you these varied gems you might not always try without a little nudge, alongside a bag of fresh ground coffee, from an independent artisan roaster. We both have a background in the coffee industry so we like to think we know a thing or two about what tastes good, and we promise you they do all taste different.
We will send you a 500g or larger bag of ground coffee for use in your drip coffee machine or cafetière with our album of the month on vinyl. The genre of music we choose will change every month allowing you as subscribers to hear new things while tasting the best independently roasted coffee.Â
Head here to join - the
We can't wait to share what we find with you!
Matt & Bex